NC STAR Diskrete Pistol Case - Swart
NC STAR Diskrete Pistol Case - Swart
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Inleiding tot NC STAR Discreet Pistol Case - Swart
- 2 Afsonderlike opgestopte kompartemente om elk 1 volgrootte handwapen te akkommodeer
- 6 elastiese lusse om tot 6 dubbelstapeltydskrifte of 12 enkelstapeltydskrifte te akkommodeer
- Versterkte omvou-drahandvatsels
- Swaardiens dubbelritsen
Veilige vervoer van vuurwapens is 'n dringende bekommernis vir elke vuurwapeneienaar. Ons NC STAR Discreet Pistol Case-oplossing is ideaal vir jou om jou geweer veilig te beskerm en te vervoer terwyl jy diskreet is. Hierdie pistoolhouer beloof om jou geweer veilig te hou teen onnodige skade met sy robuuste bou en voortreflike kwaliteit materiaal.
Die ontwerp van die NC STAR Discreet Pistol Case is spesifiek gemaak met inagneming van die onopvallende vervoer, so prakties as wat dit elegant is. Die hoë-gehalte ritsen verseker maklike toeganklikheid, terwyl die skuimvulling binnekant voldoende beskerming vir jou vuurwapen bied. Vergesel van 'n draband, die hantering van die tas is moeitevry.
Met die NC STAR Discreet Pistol Case hoef jy nie meer bekommerd te wees oor die veiligheid van die ronddra van jou vuurwapen of dit trek onnodige aandag nie. Sy slanke, swart ontwerp verseker diskresie, sonder om die veiligheid van jou wapen enigsins in te boet. Hierdie pistoolhouer verseker 'n goeie pasvorm en is 'n bewys van ontwerpdoeltreffendheid en gebruikersgerief.
Belê in die top-notch NC STAR Discreet Pistol Case en verseker die veiligheid van jou vuurwapen. Verhoog jou vuurwapenbeskermingspeletjie vandag met hierdie onberispelike pistoolhouer.

Let customers speak for us
from 113 reviewsSuperb service

Very impressed with the quick an competent service an delivery.i would highly recommend you to all gun enthusiasts


Ordered Online from Gunmansa and what a pleasant experience. I ordered and payed online on Sunday and it was promptly send on Monday morning arriving at my place Wednesday morning. The item was as described and in new condition and included the bonus items they promised at that time.

Very good service, quick delivery, Happy with my new product, Well done, keep it up Gunman SA.
Milinda du Plessis
If it Looks like a gun, sounds like a gun, shoots like a gun then it is a gun! I would give this gun 100 stars if I could.

Hi,I have received my blank pepper gun I am very happy with the service and the delivery the gun works very well I give it a 💯%

Just got my purchase and it was fast and quick delivery great product very happy thank you GunMansa!!!
Great service from GUNMANSA and I recived all that was ordered, good quality products and helpful staff will definitely do business with GUNMANSA in future

Really happy with purchase of the North Weapon Blank Shotgun. Feels super realistic and fantastic for training exercises. Totally satisfied.

This is an amazing product, the grip, the size it's all on point.

Fits great, even in bigger hands. Excellent quality.

The gun is very well built and worth the money,small and compact

The delivery was fast.and the product itself looks great...feel great and it working is it should.the manual book was easy to follow with precise instructions and safety guard lines were clear

Very loud, feels like a real gun
And delivery was Quick

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