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Gewone prys R 1,595.00 ZAR
Gewone prys Verkoopprys R 1,595.00 ZAR
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Bekendstelling van die BLOW TR34 Blank/Pepper Gun: Jou perfekte keuse vir nie-dodelike beskerming

  • Kaliber: 9 mm
  • Algehele lengte: 160 mm
  • Breedte: 32 mm
  • Hoogte: 130 mm
  • Gewig: 525 g
  • Tydskrifkapasiteit: 7+1 stukke
  • Handgrepe: Houtvormige plastiekgrepe
  • Uitstekende duursaamheid
  • Betroubare glystelsels
  • Perfekte greephantering

Verhoog jou persoonlike veiligheid met die BLOW TR34 Blank/Pepper Gun, 'n doeltreffende en betroubare toestel wat bedoel is vir nie-dodelike selfverdediging. Die gebruiksgemak, gekombineer met die doeltreffende ontplooiing daarvan, maak dit 'n moet-hê vir almal wat hul veiligheid prioritiseer.

Die BLOW TR34 is nie jou gemiddelde Blank/Pepper-geweer nie; dit beskik oor 'n stylvolle ontwerp wat die meeste daar buite meeding, wat dit 'n veiligheidsinstrument maak met estetika wat nie op werkverrigting inboet nie. Dit is 'n topkeuse vir diegene wat 'n veiligheidstoestel wil hê wat funksioneel, stylvol en doeltreffend is.

Wat BLOW TR34 van ander Blank/Pepper-gewere op die mark onderskei, is sy betroubaarheid. Wanneer jy dit die nodigste het, sal dit nie teleurstel nie. Die nie-dodelike ontwerp verseker dat jy jouself kan beskerm sonder om permanente skade aan te rig, wat die perfekte balans tussen veiligheid en onskadelikheid vind. So, maak vandag nog jou veiligheidspeletjie op met die BLOW TR34 Blank/Pepper Gun, ontwerp vir diegene wat weier om kompromieë aan te gaan wanneer dit by hul persoonlike veiligheid kom.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Chad Bougaardt
Purchase and lack of Customer Service

Firstly I have to point out that before making a purchase via the official website, I had sent a WhatsApp message to the details provided(via website) enquiring as to whether or not the model I was interested in was truly a 14+1 and not just a 7+1 as I'd seen on YouTube video reviews. I had received no correspondence via this channel or any other channels I tried contacting on. Seeing the posts & reviews made on Google and posted on the website (not yet receiving correspondence) I decided to trust the advertising posted on the website to be legitimate and correct and move forward with the purchase despite the lack of communication.

Nonetheless I came across in my research that they do indeed come in the 14+1 model and they are available via GUNSMANSA, moved forward, made the purchase, only to behold for myself that it is only a 7+1 model and not what was advertised.

Then seeing status updates via the WhatsApp channel I then saw models that were significantly much better deals, then making numerous efforts to make contact via email, phonecalls, WhatsApp messages, via the "contact centre" as to whether my order could be changed to another model etc before delivery was dispatched to my residence for delivery.

Again no correspondence from anyone at all. Took delivery of what I initially ordered despite it not being as advertised and decided to keep it as I had no other choice as it were.

Only being responded to via WhatsApp long after if taken delivery etc via the WhatsApp channel as to being told it is indeed a 14+1, whereafter I immediately responded saying it is not that model and rather the latter and not recieving another message or response via that nor any other channels at their disposal.

Kept the model of initial order as there would be no response as to if I could return it etc taken obviously from the lack of communication that I received.

Website is not updated as to what the latest models and packages are that are on offer is a total miss, WhatsApp status updates are constantly going on yet the lack of communication is completely appalling.

Very, very disappointed with the customer service I've received despite all the great reviews that are out there.

  • 4.5mm/ .177

    4.5mm/ .177

  • 5.5mm/ .22 CAL

    5.5mm/ .22 CAL

  • 6mm BBs

    6mm BBs

  • .43 CAL

    .43 CAL

  • .50 CAL

    .50 CAL

  • .68 CAL

    .68 CAL

  • 9mm P.A.K

    9mm P.A.K




Ons bied 'n premium geselekteerde reeks van die beste blanko gewere, luggewere, pcp-gewere, verfbalgewere, tuisverdedigingsgewere, lugsaggewere, geweeraanhegsels en bykomstighede, geweerholsters, ammunisie vir die bogenoemde gewere.