Artemis Snowpeak B2-4 LUGGEWEER 4.5MM - SPESIAAL - GSA
Artemis Snowpeak B2-4 LUGGEWEER 4.5MM - SPESIAAL - GSA
Ontdek die B2-4 LUGGEWEER 4.5M
SPA B2-4 LUGGEWEER 4.5MM is 'n breekloop, enkelkraanstelsel en enkelskoot. .177 (4,5 mm), Presisie gegewe staal loop-buite. Kom met hand- en mikro-verstelbare agter-sig vir beide wind en hoogte. TRUGLO optiese vesel visiere met kontrasterende vesel kleure. Rubber boude pad vir terugslag absorpsie.
'n Luggeweer (dikwels genoem korrelgeweer of BB-geweer, afhangende van die projektiel) is enige soort handwapens wat projektiele aandryf deur middel van saamgeperste lug of ander gas, in teenstelling met plofbare dryfmiddel van 'n vuurwapen. Beide die geweer- en handwapenvorms (luggeweer en lugpistool) dryf tipies metaalprojektiele aan, hetsy korrels, of BB's. Sekere soorte luggewere, gewoonlik gewere, kan ook pyle of pyle met vere aandryf.
Item: B2-4
Kaliber: 4,5 mm
Snuitsnelheid: 550 fps
Algehele lengte: 1100 mm
Voorraad: Hout
Die B2-4 AIR RIFLE 4.5M is die perfekte keuse vir 'n windbuks-entoesias, wat 'n perfekte kombinasie van krag en presisie bied. Hierdie moderne stuk is vervaardig met noukeurige aandag aan detail, wat 'n skietervaring soos geen ander beloof nie.
Hierdie windbuks is robuust gebou om moeilike buitelugtoestande te hanteer terwyl dit onberispelike skietkwaliteit behou. Dit is saamgestel uit top-graad materiale en is ontwerp om streng gebruik te weerstaan, wat dit aansienlik duursaam maak.
Die B2-4 LUGGEWEER 4.5MM bied die opwinding en betrokkenheid van skiet met sy hoë krag en akkuraatheid. Dit staan uit in die luggeweermark met sy unieke kenmerke en uitsonderlike werkverrigting. Sy fyn akkuraatheid maak dit 'n gunsteling onder sportlui en stokperdjies. Ervaar vandag die krag van presiese teiken met die B2-4 LUGGEWEER.
Let customers speak for us
from 78 reviewsAKSA AK15-K8 TAN Blank/Pepper Gun (Semi Auto/14+1/9mm PAK)
Thank you for an amazing product and really super fast service. This is our 2nd time buying and we definitely recommend you.
Very good , and them using pudo was a bonus for me
Thank you Daanyaal from GunmanSa.
I love the gun. It's exactly what I was expecting. Thank you for your awesome service with replacing the holster. I would most definitely recommend you and your company to my friends and family.
My first gun, it looks like u have real armed weapon. The sound of this gun is freaking loud and feels so real. Would recommend people to buy
Its proper didn't shoot yet but its all good thanks you.
This ammo is super exciting and fun,dope sound would definitely be using it for a while.After I will try the Codex P.A.K
Wonderful service delivery my purchase was better than I expected keep up the good work guys always a pleasure doing business with you guys much appreciated
Very much happy with my first and second orders recieved from Gunman SA. I ordered a Retay mod 92 with holster and 2 extra magazines, and i was blown away by the quality of the products recieved.The pistol is almost an exact replica of the real Beretta 92fs in regards to looks and feel.Defnitly the best buy when compared to prices of other online shops.I was so impressed ,that in just over a week, i placed a 3rd order for a Retay 84fs.Can't wait for order to arive.Also worth mentioning is the fast shipping and delivery when order is placed.Thanks very much Danyaal for a great product and high standard of customer service.Kind Regards, Jaco.
I love the peppers! Just in a little wind it dissapears, if I could make a sugestion.. is that they should put more powder inside, couldnt test it on a perp yet but waiting my chance because we are struggeling with aliens here alot.
World class experience
Best service ever
its absolute perfect,couldn't ask for any better gun.thank you
Thank you i received it
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